The club shall be known as the Franklin Beekeepers Club.
The object of the club shall be to promote an interest in beekeeping, provide training, guidance and direction to its members and the general public, and from time to time provide appropriate special seminars pertinent to apiculture.
Membership will be open to anyone who has an interest in beekeeping.
Honorary (Life or Complimentary) membership may be bestowed by resolution of the club at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting on any individual whose services to the club are considered to be so outstanding as to merit such award. A simple majority shall be required. Complimentary membership will be extended to the NBA and may include similar clubs elsewhere in New Zealand.
A membership shall be regarded as a family membership.
Any member may resign from the club on giving written notice to the Secretary.
Annual subscription shall be that deemed appropriate by the committee and ratified at the next Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
Annual subscriptions fall due on the month decided at the AGM or EGM and may be discounted by an amount as decided by the Committee and ratified as in 7 above. The discount period ends after three months and then the subscription will be the undiscounted sum.
Any member whose subscription has not been received by the Secretary after three months from the due date will be removed from the current membership list and delivery of the newsletter will cease. Newsletter and membership will re-activate upon receipt of their subscription.
People who become new members after six months from the subscription due date will have their subscription reduced pro-rata per month to no less than half price.
The officers of the club shall be honorary and will be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Hive Master(s) and after holding office for five years will retire but may offer themselves for re-election.
Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. All Officers shall be financial or life members.
Any member may hold one or more positions as an Officer other than that of Secretary or President.
The committee shall consist of the officers as defined in 13, and up to five others and with power to co-opt.
The committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.
The committee shall meet at least every second month from the month of the AGM at a date that is no later than the third week, though an extra meetings may be called if deemed necessary. A quorum will be half the number of the full committee.
The club shall hold monthly club days on the second Sunday of each month, at a venue decided by the committee.
The committee may make minor changes to the rules provided such changes are notified in advance in the newsletter to enable any financial member to object.
For any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting the quorum shall be 10 members.
The President shall submit to the Annual General Meeting a report on the activities to the preceding year, and the Treasurer shall present a financial statement covering the affairs of the club for the preceding year.
All monies belonging to the club shall be lodged in a bank in the name of the club; the bank to be nominated by the Treasurer and approved by the committee. Separate deposit accounts in the name of the club are permitted, and the Treasurer is authorised to move funds within these accounts to maximise any interest returns and ensure sufficient operating cash is available. Club payments must be authorised by any two of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer.